Last update: July 27, 2024, 15.00 CEST
Mail to V.Goranko
Date 29/07/2024
Introduction to the course.
Introduction to games in logic
Argumentation and dialogue games.
Logical evaluation games.
Evaluation games for modal logic (ML) and for first-order logic (FOL).
Wilfrid Hodges and Jouko Väänänen: Logic and Games, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019, Sections 1-3.
Johan van Benthem: Chapters 14 and 17 from Logic in Games, MIT Press, 2014 (provided to the course participants)
Gabriel Sandu: Games and Logic. Chapter in: The Baltic International Yearbook on Cognition, Logic, and Communication, vol. 8, 2013, Section 1.
Johan van Benthem: Logic Games: from tools to models of interaction, Tech Report, Amsterdam, 2007.
Johan van Benthem: What Logic Games are Trying to Tell Us, Tech Report, Amsterdam, 2002
James Garson: Modal Logic, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Sara Uckelman, Interactive Logic in the Middle Ages
Sara Uckelman, Medieval Disputationes de obligationibus as Formal Dialogue Systems
Date 30/07/2024
Model building / satisfiability games for classical propositional logic (PL) and classical first-order logic (FOL)
Wilfrid Hodges and Jouko Väänänen: Logic and Games, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edition 2019.
Johan van Benthem: Chapters 14 and 16 from Logic in Games, MIT Press, 2014
Gabriel Sandu: Games and Logic. Chapter in: The Baltic International Yearbook on Cognition, Logic, and Communication, vol. 8, 2013, Section 4.
Johan van Benthem: Logic Games: from tools to models of interaction, Tech Report, Amsterdam, 2007.
Date 31/07/2024
Model building / satisfiability games for modal logic.
Modal equivalence of Kripke models. Model comparison games in modal logic.
Bisimulation games and bisimulation invariance of modal formulae.
Modal characteristic formulae, modal equivalence, and bisimulation games together.
Johan van Benthem: Chapter 15 from Logic in Games, MIT Press, 2014
Valentin Goranko and Martin Otto: Model Theory of Modal Logic, Chapter in: Handbook of Modal Logic, Elsevier, 2006, pp. 249-329. Sections 2, 3.1-3.3
Colin Stirling: Bisimulation, model checking and other games, lecture notes, Edinburgh, 1997
Date 01/08/2024
Model comparison games for FOL. Ehrenfeucht-Fraǐissé games.
Characterizing n-equivalence and elementary equivalence by means of winning strategies for Ehrenfeucht-Fraǐissé games. Characteristic formulae in FO logic.
Ehrenfeucht's and Fraǐissé’s theorems.
Johan van Benthem: Chapter 15 from Logic in Games, MIT Press, 2014
Kees Doets: Basic Model Theory, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 1996
Jouko Väänänen: Models and Games, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. Reduced version for EASLLC 2012.
Leonid Libkin: Elements of Finite Model Theory, Springer, 2012
Date 02/08/2024
Finite variable fragments of FO and pebble games. Counting games, etc.
Model comparison games and logical non-equivalence and non-definability.
Game-theoretic semantics.
Logical games with imperfect information. Independence-friendly logic.
Johan van Benthem: Chapter 16 from Logic in Games, MIT Press, 2014
Kees Doets: Basic Model Theory, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 1996
Jouko Väänänen: Models and Games, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. Reduced version for EASLLC 2012.
Leonid Libkin: Elements of Finite Model Theory, Springer, 2012
Tero Tulenheimo: Independence Friendly Logic, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Jaakko Hintikka: Game-theoretical semantics as a challenge to proof theory, Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 4:127-142 (1999)
Erich Graedel: Back and Forth Between Logic and Games, chapter in: In Lectures in Game Theory for Computer Scientists, Springer, 2011. pp. 99-145.
Mail to V.Goranko