Last update: January 2021
Mail to V.Goranko
Research interests
Here is an incomplete list (in a roughly descending order of actuality) of logics and topics of my current or recent interest
- Modal and temporal logics in general;
- Logics of agency and multi-agent systems;
- Logics of games and games in logic;
- Logics of knowledge and belief;
- Logics of programs, processes, actions;
- Logics of spatial reasoning, esp. modal logics of geometric structures;
- Interval temporal logics
- Formal models, semantics, expressiveness and definability;
- Decidability and decision methods, esp. tableau-based decision methods;
- Model checking and model synthesis;
- Multi-agent systems: knowledge, information exchange, strategic reasoning;
- Logical theories of trees;
- Axiomatizations and completeness;
- Model theory of modal logics;
- Algorithmic correspondence between modal logic and first-order
- Symbolic model checking in infinite state
- Finitely presentable infinite structures;
- Game theory: combining quantitative and qualitative reasoning about multi-player games; non-cooperative games with preplay negotiations,
- Logic in graph theory;
- Finite model theory and 0-1 laws;
Research projects