

Last update: February 2024
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My publications at:
DBLP,   Google Citations,   Google Scholar,   Research Gate,   Academia,   PhilPeople,   Semantic Scholar

Books and chapters


Chapters in handbooks, encyclopaedia and research books

  1. Valentin Goranko and Antje Rumberg, Temporal Logic, entry in: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2020 edition. Link.
  2. Thomas Ågotnes, Valentin Goranko, Wojciech Jamroga, Michael Wooldridge: Knowledge and Ability, chapter in: Handbook of Epistemic Logic , Hans van Ditmarsch. Joseph Halpern, Wiebe van der Hoek and Barteld Kooi (eds.), College Publications, 2015, pp. 543–589. Final version,   Publisher's link.
  3. Nils Bulling, Valentin Goranko, Wojciech Jamroga: Logics for reasoning about strategic abilities in multi-player games, in: Models of Strategic Reasoning: Logics, Games and Communities, Chapter in: J. van Benthem, S. Ghosh, R. Verbrugge (eds.), Springer, LNCS/FoLLI series, vol. 8972, 2015, pp. 93--136. Final version,   Publisher's link. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko and Martin Otto: Model Theory of Modal Logic, Chapter in: Handbook of Modal Logic, Chapter in: Chapter in: P. Blackburn, J. van Benthem, F. Wolter (eds., Elsevier, 2006, pp. 249-329. Online version (as e-book on ScienceDirect). Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Philippe Balbiani, Valentin Goranko, Ruaan Kellerman, and Dimiter Vakarelov: Logical Theories of Fragments of Elementary Geometry, Chapter in: Handbook of Spatial Logics, M. Aiello, J. van Benthem, and I. Pratt-Hartmann (eds.), Elsevier, 2007,pp. 343-428. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Hajnal Andreka, Valentin Goranko, Szabolzc Mikulas, Istvan Nemeti and Ildiko Sain: Effective First-order Temporal Logics of Programs, Chapter in: Time and Logic: A Computational Approach, , L. Bolc, A. Szalas (eds.), Univ. College London Press, 1995. Published version.

Research papers

Research papers



  1. Valentin Goranko, Ruaan Kellerman, and Alberto Zanardo: Structural theory of trees I. Branching and condensations of trees , Contributions to Discrete Mathematics , Volume 18, Number 2, 2023, pages 188–209. Link to the publication . (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Ruaan Kellerman, Alberto Zanardo, and Valentin Goranko: Structural theory of trees II. Completeness and completions of trees , Contributions to Discrete Mathematics , Volume 18, Number 2, 2023, pages 210–233. Link to the publication . (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Serenella Cerrito, Valentin Goranko, and Sophie Paillocher, Partial Model Checking and Partial Model Synthesis in LTL Using a Tableau-Based Approach, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2023) , Rome, Italy, July 3-6, 2023, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. 260, pp. 23:1--23:21. Published version (pdf). (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko: Logics for Strategic Reasoning of Socially Interacting Rational Agents: An Overview and Perspectives, Logics , 2023. Open access online link . (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko. Preplay Negotiations with Unconditional Offers of Side Payments in Two-Player Strategic-Form Games: Towards Non-Cooperative Cooperation , Mathematics, 2022, 10(14), 2518; Special Issue "Cooperative Game Theory and Mathematical Structures" , Link to publication. (pdf) (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Dilian Gurov, Valentin Goranko, Edvin Lundberg: Knowledge-Based Strategies for Multi-Agent Teams Playing Against Nature, Artificial Intelligence , Online publication link. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko and Fengkui Ju: A Logic for Conditional Local Strategic Reasoning, Journal of Logic, Language and Information , 31, 167-188, 2022, special issue of LORI VII.   Link to publication. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Nils Bulling and Valentin Goranko, Combining quantitative and qualitative reasoning in concurrent multi-player games, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2022, 36:2, 1--33. Online publication link. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Sebastian Enqvist and Valentin Goranko: The temporal logic of coalitional goal assignments in concurrent multi-player games. ACM Transactions of Computational Logic, Vol. 23, No. 4, Article 21, 2022. Publication link. ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Valentin Goranko. Transformations of Multi-Player Normal form Games by Preplay Offers between Players , Axioms, vol. 11(2), 73, 2022 (15p.). Link to publication. (pdf) (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Ruaan Kellerman and Valentin Goranko: Approximating trees as coloured linear orders and complete axiomatisations of some classes of trees, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2021, vol.86, nr.3, pp. 1035-1065. Final draft. Online access link (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko: How deontic logic ought to be: towards a many-sorted framework for normative reasoning, in: Fenrong Liu, Alessandra Marra, Paul Portner, and Frederik Van De Putte (eds.), Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, Proceedings of DEON'2020/2021 , College Publications, London, 2021, pp. 219-238. Final draft.
  3. Willem Conradie, Valentin Goranko, and Peter Jipsen: Algorithmic correspondence for relevance logics, bunched implication logics, and relation algebras via an implementation of the algorithm PEARL, in: U. Fahrenberg et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMICS 2021) , Springer LNCS 13027, 2021, pp. 126-143. Final draft. An extended technical report is available on arXiv. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Willem Conradie and Valentin Goranko: Algorithmic Correspondence for Relevance Logics I. The Algorithm PEARL, chapter in: Ivo Duntsch and Edwin Mares (Eds.) Alasdair Urquhart on nonclassical and algebraic logic and complexity of proofs , in the series "Outstanding Contributions to Logic", Springer, 2021, pp. 163-209. Final draft.
  5. Valentin Goranko: On relative ignorance Filosofiska Notiser, Årgång 8, Nr 1, 2021, pp. 119–140. Publication.
  6. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm: Game-Theoretic Semantics for ATL+ with Applications to Model Checking, Information and Computation, February 2021, 276:104554, special issue of SR'2017, Publication. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko: Model checking and model synthesis from partial models: a logic-based perspective, Tech. report, 12/2020, arXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko: The modal logic of almost sure frame validities in the finite, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'2020), College Publications 2020, pp 249-268. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Riccardo De Masellis and Valentin Goranko: Logic-based Specification and Verification of Homogeneous Dynamic Multi-agent Systems, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems , vol. 34 (2), 2020, article 34. Springer Link. , (DBLP BibTex Entry). ArXiv version, (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm: Rational coordination with no communication or conventions (extended journal version of the LORI VI (2017) paper), Journal of Logic and Computation, vol. 30, Issue 6, 2020, pp. 1183-1211. Final draft. Publisher's link. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, and R aine Rönnholm: Gradual guaranteed coordination in repeated win-lose coordination games, in: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI'2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 8-12, 2020, paper #169. Link to published version. Final draft (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Valentin Goranko, Gabriele Pulcini, and Tomasz Skura: Refutation systems: an overview and some applications to philosophical logics, in: F. Liu, H. Ono, and J. Yu (Eds.) Knowledge, Proof and Dynamics, Post-proceedings volume with selected papers from the Fourth Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Springer, Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library, 2020, pp 173-197. Link to the published version. Final draft (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  7. Valentin Goranko and Tomasz Skura: Refutation Systems in the Finite, Reasoning: Games, Cognition, Logic , Post-proceedings volume with selected papers from the Poznań Reasoning Week multi-conference held in Poznań, Poland, September 11–15, 2018. College Publications, 2020, pp. 173-184. Link to publication volume. (pdf) (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm: Alternating-time temporal logic ATL with finitely bounded semantics,Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 797, 2019, pp 129-155. Published version. ArXiv version (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko. Hybrid Deduction–Refutation Systems, Axioms, Special issue on Deductive systems, vol. 8(4), 118, 2019 (19p.). Link to publication. (pdf) (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Rodica Condurache, Riccardo De Masellis and Valentin Goranko. Dynamic multi-agent systems: conceptual framework, automata-based modelling and verification, in: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2019), Springer LNAI, vol. 11873, 2019, pp. 106--122. Winner of the PRIMA 2019 best paper award! Published version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Serenella Cerrito, Amélie David and Valentin Goranko: Minimisation of Models Satisfying CTL Formulas, Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'2019), Málaga, Spain, October 16-19, 2019, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. 90, pp. 13:1–13:15. Published version (pdf). (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Valentin Goranko and Fengkui Ju, Towards a Logic for Conditional Local Strategic Reasoning, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI VII), Chongqing, China, October 18-21, 2019, Springer LNCS/FoLLi vol.11813, 2019, pp. 112-125. Published version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Riccardo De Masellis, Valentin Goranko, Stefan Gruner, and Nils Timm: Generalising the Dining Philosophers Problem: Competitive Dynamic Resource Allocation in Multi-agent Systems. in: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference in Multi-agent Systems (EUMAS2018), Springer LNCS vol.11450, 2019, pp. 30-47. Final draft. SpringerLink (DBLP BibTex Entry).


  1. Valentin Goranko and Antti Kuusisto: Logics for Propositional Determinacy and Independence, Review of Symbolic Logic, Vol 11, Nr 3, September 2018, pp 470-506. Published version. ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm, Game-Theoretic Semantics for Alternating-Time Temporal Logic. ACM Transactions of Computational Logic, Vol. 19, Issue 3, 2018, Article No. 17. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry).
  3. Fengkui Ju, Gianluca Grilletti, and Valentin Goranko, A logic for temporal conditionals and a solution to the Sea Battle Puzzle, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'2018), pp. 379--398. published version (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Sebastian Enqvist and Valentin Goranko, Socially Friendly and Group Protecting Coalition Logics, Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'2018), IFAAMAS publ., 2018, pp 372--380. Final draft. Published version. (DBLP BibTex Entry) Errata.
  5. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm: Rational coordination in games with enriched representations. in: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference in Multi-agent Systems (EUMAS2017), Springer LNCS vol.10767, 2018, pp. 323-338. Final draft. SpringerLink (DBLP BibTex Entry).


  1. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm: CTL with finitely bounded semantics, Proc. of the 24th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'2017), Mons, Belgium, October 2017, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. 90, pp. 14:1–14:19. Published version (pdf). (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm: Rational coordination with no communication or conventions. in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI VI), Sapporo, Japan, September 2017, Springer LNCS/FoLLi vol. 10455, pp. 33-48, 2017. Final draft. SpringerLink (DBLP BibTex Entry). Extended arXiv tech report. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm: Game-Theoretic Semantics for ATL+ with Applications to Model Checking. Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'2017), IFAAMAS publ., 2017, pp. 1277-1285. Published version. Extended arXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko and Louwe B. Kuijer. On the length and depth of temporal formulae distinguishing non-bisimilar transition systems, Proc. of the 23rd International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'2016), Lyngby, Denmark, October 16-19. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2016, pp. 177-185. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Olivier Gasquet, Valentin Goranko and Francois Schwarzentruber, Big Brother Logic: visual-epistemic reasoning in stationary multi-agent systems, (revised and extended jornal version of paper #3/2014). Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Vol. 30(5), 2016, pp 793--825. SpringerLink. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko: Preplay negotiations by unconditional offers in 2-player strategic games: power and weakness. Presented at LOFT'2016. pdf (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko, Antti Kuusisto, Raine Rönnholm: Game-Theoretic Semantics for Alternating-Time Temporal Logic. Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'2016), IFAAMAS publ., 2016, pp.671--679. Published version pdf. Extended Arxiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Valentin Goranko and Paolo Turrini, Two-player preplay negotiation games with conditional offers, International Game Theory Review, Vol. 18 (1), 2016. Final draft Link to published version (DBLP BibTex Entry).
  6. David Fernández Duque and Valentin Goranko: Secure aggregation of distributed information: How a team of agents can safely share secrets in front of a spy. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 198, 2016, pp 118-135, Link to journal page. Link to published file. ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  7. Luca Aceto, Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko, Anna Ingólfsdóttir, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco: A Complete Classification of the Expressiveness of Interval Logics of Allen’s Relations. The General and the Dense Cases, Acta Informatica, Vol. 53(3), 2016, pp 207-246. SpringerLink. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  8. Valentin Goranko and Wojtek Jamroga, State and Path Coalition Effectivity Models for Logics of Multi-Player Games, (revised and extended jornal version of paper #5/2012). Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Vol. 30(3), 2016, pp 446-485. Available from SpringerLink. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Serenella Cerrito, Amélie David and Valentin Goranko: Optimal Tableaux Method for Constructive Satisfiability Testing and Model Synthesis in the Alternating-time Temoral Logic ATL+, (revised and extended jornal version of paper #2/2014). ACM Transactions of Computational Logic, Vol. 17 Issue 1, October 2015, Article No. 4. Published version on the ACM ToCL website. ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko and Steen Vester, Optimal decision procedures for satisfiability in fragments of alternating-time temporal logics, Proc of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML'2014), pp. 234-253. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Serenella Cerrito, Amélie David and Valentin Goranko: Optimal Tableaux-based Decision Procedure for Testing Satisfiability in the Alternating-time Temporal Logic ATL+, Proc. of the 7th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR'2014), Springer, LNAI/LNCS vol. 8562, 2014, pp.277-291. Final draft. SpringerLink. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Olivier Gasquet, Valentin Goranko and Francois Schwarzentruber, Big Brother Logic: Logical modeling and reasoning about agents equipped with surveillance cameras in the plane, Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), IFAAMAS publ., 2014., pp. 325-332. Published version. Technical report. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Davide Bresolin, Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco: The dark side of interval temporal logics: marking the undecidability border, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 71(1-3), 2014, pp. 41-83. Final draft. SpringerLink. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Valentin Goranko and Eric Pacuit, Temporal Aspects of the Dynamics of Knowledge, Chapter in: Baltag, Alexandru, Smets, Sonja (Eds.), Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information Dynamics, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Vol. 5, Springer, 2014, pp. 235-266, Publisher's link. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko and Paolo Turrini, An offer you cannot refuse: obtaining effciency and fairness in preplay negotiation games with conditional offers. Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-4). Springer LNCS 8196, 2013, pp. 110-123. Final draft (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Nils Bulling and Valentin Goranko, How to Be Both Rich and Happy: Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Strategic Reasoning about Multi-Player Games (Extended abstract),Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning,EPTCS 112, pp. 33-42. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko, Wojtek Jamroga, and Paolo Turrini: Strategic Games and Truly Playable Effectivity Functions (extended jornal version of paper #4/2011). Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, vol. 26, 2 (2013), pp. 288-314. Available from the publisher's website here. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Mai Ajspur and Valentin Goranko, Tableaux-based decision method for single-agent linear time synchronous temporal epistemic logics with interacting time and knowledge, in: K. Lodaya (Ed.) Proceedings of the5th Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA'2013), Springer LNCS 7750, 2013, pp.80-96. (DBLP BibTex Entry) Technical report extended with technical appendix.
  5. Mai Ajspur, Valentin Goranko and Dmitry Shkatov. Tableau-based decision procedure for the multiagent epistemic logic with all coalitional operators for common and distributed knowledge. (revised and extended jornal version of paper #7/2009), Logic Journal of the IGPL, Special issue on Formal Methods in Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 21 (3), 2013, pp. 407-437. Final draft on ArXiv.(DBLP BibTex Entry) Published version link. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Davide Bresolin, Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko,Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco: Metric propositional neighborhood logics on natural numbers, Software and Systems Modeling, Vol. 12, 2 (2013), pp 245-264. Final draft. SpringerLink. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko, Transformations of normal form games by preplay offers for payments among players, 2012, Working paper,ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko and Paolo Turrini, Non-cooperative games with preplay negotiations, 2012, Working paper, ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko: Undecidability and Temporal Logic: Some Landmarks from Turing to the Present (extended abstract). In: Proc. of the 19th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'2012), Leicester, UK, September 12-14; IEEE Computer Society Press, 2012, pp. 3-4. Available from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, and Guido Sciavicco:Crossing the Undecidability Border with Extensions of Propositional Neighborhood Logic over Natural Numbers, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 18, no. 20 (2012), pp. 2798-2831. Available from here or here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Valentin Goranko and Wojtek Jamroga, State and Path Coalition Effectivity Models for Logics of Multi-Player Games, in: Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), pp. 1123-1130. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. M. Aiello, G. Bezhanishvili, I. Bloch, V. Goranko.Logics for physical space from antiquity to present days, Synthese,Special issue on Logic meets Physics, 2012, vol.186, pp. 619–632. Available from here or directly from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko,Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco: Interval Temporal Logics: A Journey,Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (BEATCS), No. 105, October 2011,pp 73-99. Available separately from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Philippe Balbiani, Valentin Goranko, Guido Sciavicco: Two-sorted Point-Interval Temporal logics, in: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, (Proc. of the 7th International Workshop ”Methods for Modalities” M4M7, 2011), vol. 278 (2011), pp.31-45, Available from here or from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Davide Bresolin, Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko,Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco: The dark side of Interval Temporal Logic: sharpening the undecidability border, in: Proc. of the 18h International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'2011), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011. Final draft (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko, Wojtek Jamroga, and Paolo Turrini: Strategic Games and Truly Playable Effectivity Functions. in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2011), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2-6, 201. Available from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko,Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco: Expressiveness of the Interval Logics of Allen's Relations on the Class of all Linear Orders: Complete Classification; in: Proc. of the 22th International Joint Conference Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011), 2011. Available from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry) DOI: 10.5591/978-1-57735-516-8/IJCAI11-147
  6. Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko, Guido Sciavicco: Hybrid Metric Propositional Neighborhood Logics with Interval Length Binders. Proc. of the Workshop on Hybrid Logics HyLo 2010, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 273: 3-19 (2011). Link to the Science Direct entry. Final version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  7. Valentin Goranko and Ruaan Kellerman, Classes and Theories of Trees Associated with a Class Of Linear Orders, Logic Journal of the IGPL, vol. 19 (1), 2011, pp. 217-232. Final draft. Online access link (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Stéphane Demri, Alain Finkel, Valentin Goranko, and Govert van Drimmelen: Model-Checking CTL* over Flat Presburger Counter Systems, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, vol. 20 (4), 2010, pp. 313-344. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Davide Bresolin, Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko,Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco: Metric Propositional Neighborhood Logics: Expressiveness, Decidability, and Undecidability, in: M. Wooldridge (Ed.),Proceedings of ECAI'10 (19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2010), pp. 695-700. Link to published version.Final draft (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Willem Conradie, Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Algorithmic correspondence and completeness in modal logic. V. Recursive extensions of SQEMA, Journal of Applied Logic (Special Issue on Hybrid logics), vol. 8 (2010), pp. 319–333. Available from here. Final version. DOI: 10.1016/j.jal.2010.08.002 (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko,Angelo Kyrilov, and Dmitry Shkatov: Tableau tool for testing satisfiability in LTL: Implementation and experimental analysis, in: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, (Proc. of the 6th International Workshop ”Methods for Modalities” M4M6, 2009), Volume 262, 2010, pp. 113–125. Link to online version.Final version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Davide Bresolin, Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko,Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco: Undecidability of the Logic of the Overlap Relation over Discrete Linear Orderings, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (Proc. of the 6th Workshop on Methods for Modalities - M4M6, 2009), Volume 262, 2010, pp. 65-81. Link to online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Davide Bresolin, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, and Pietro Sala. Tableau-based decision procedures for the logics of subinterval structures over dense orderings, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2010 20: 133-166; doi:10.1093/logcom/exn059. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  7. Valentin Goranko and Dmitry Shkatov. Tableau-based decision procedures for logics of strategic ability in multi-agent systems. ACM Transactions of Computational Logic, vol.11, No.1, 2010. Available from the ACM ToCL website. Pre-publication version. ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Davide Bresolin, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco. Right Propositional Neighborhood Logic over Natural Numbers with Integer Constraints for Interval Lengths, Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM'2009), IEEE Comp. Society Press, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2009, pp. 240-249.Final draft (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko and Dmitry Shkatov. Tableau-based decision procedure for full coalitional multiagent temporal-epistemic logic of branching time. in: Proc. of the 2nd Federated Workshops on Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations, MALLOW'2009}, Turin, Italy, September 7-10, 2009; M. Baldoni et al (eds), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 494, Online volume: Available from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Davide Bresolin, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco.Propositional Interval Neighborhood Logics: Expressiveness, Decidability, and Undecidable Extensions, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Vol.161(3), 2009, pp. 289-304. DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2009.07.003. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Willem Conradie, Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov:Algorithmic correspondence and completeness in modal logic. III. Extensions of the algorithm SQEMA with substitutions, in: Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 94 (2), 2009, pp. 307-343. Link to online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry) Link to the online implementation of SQEMA.
  5. Davide Bresolin, Dario Della Monica, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco. Undecidability of Interval Temporal Logics with the Overlap Modality. in: C. Lutz and J-F Raskin (Eds.): Proc. of the 16h International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning TIME'2009, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009, pp. 88-95. Final draft.(DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Valentin Goranko and Dmitry Shkatov. Tableau-based decision procedure for full coalitional multiagent temporal-epistemic logic of linear time. in: Decker, Sichman, Sierra and Castelfranchi (eds.), Proc. of 8th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), IFAAMAS publ, pp. 969-976; Published version. ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  7. Valentin Goranko and Dmitry Shkatov. Tableau-based Procedure for Deciding Satisfiability in the Full Coalitional Multi-agent Epistemic Logic. in: S. Artemov and A. Nerode (Eds.), Proc. of LFCS'2009. Springer, LNCS 5407, pp. 197-213, 2009. Available from ArXiv. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  8. Davide Bresolin, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, and Pietro Sala. Complete and terminating tableau for the logic of proper subinterval structures over dense orderings. In: Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Methods for Modalities (M4M5), LSV, Cachan, November 2007. Electronic Notes of Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 231 (March 2009), pp. 131-151, available from here or here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  9. Wilmari Bekker and Valentin Goranko. Symbolic model checking of tense logics on rational Kripke models. in: M. Archibald et al (eds.), Infinity in Logic and Computation, Proc. of ILC'2007, Springer LNAI 5489, pp. 3–21, 2009. Also available from here. ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Davide Bresolin, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco. Decidable and Undecidable Fragments of Halpern and Shoham's Interval Temporal Logic: Towards a Complete Classification. in: I. Cervesato, H. Veith, and A. Voronkov (Eds.), Proc. of LPAR'2008, Springer, LNCS 5330, pp. 590–604, 2008. Link to online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko and Dmitry Shkatov. Tableau-based decision procedure for the multi-agent epistemic logic with operators of common and distributed knowledge, in: Proc. of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods SEFM'2008, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008, pp. 237-246, DOI 10.1109/SEFM.2008.27. Available from here. ArXiv version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Thomas Ågotnes, Valentin Goranko, and Wojtek Jamroga. Strategic Commitment and Release in Logics for Multi-Agent Systems (Extended abstract), Presented at LOFT'2008. Technical report IfI-08-01 of the Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal, May 2008. Also, available fromhere. (BibTex Entry)
  4. Willem Conradie and Valentin Goranko. Algorithmic correspondence and completeness in modal logic. IV. Semantic extensions of SQEMA. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, vol. 18 (2-3), 2008, pp. 175-212. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Davide Bresolin, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, Pietro Sala: Tableau systems for logics of subinterval structures over dense orderings, in: N. Olivetti (Ed.), Proc. of the International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (Tableaux'2007), Aix-en-Provance, July 2007, LNAI, Springer, pp 73-89. Online version, also available from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Thomas Ågotnes, Valentin Goranko and Wojtek Jamroga: Alternating-time Temporal Logics with Irrevocable Strategies, in: D. Samet (Ed.), Proc. of TARK XI, Univ. Saint-Louis, Brussels, 2007, pp. 15-24. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Davide Bresolin, Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, and Guido Sciavicco:On Decidability and Expressiveness of Propositional Interval Neighborhood Logics, in: S. Artemov and A. Nerode (Eds.): Proceedings of LFCS 2007, Springer, LNCS 4514, pp. 84–99, 2007. Online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko and Alberto Zanardo: From linear to branching-time temporal logics: transfer of semantics and definability, Logic Journal of the IGPL, vol. 15, 2007, pp. 53-76;. Online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Stéphane Demri, Alain Finkel, Valentin Goranko, and Govert van Drimmelen: Towards a model-checker for counter systems, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA'06), Beijing, ROC, October 2006, Springer, LNCS 4218, pages 493-507. Online version. Final draft. (BibTeX + Abstract) (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Willem Conradie, Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Algorithmic correspondence and completeness in modal logic. II. Polyadic and hybrid extensions of the algorithm SQEMA, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2006, vol.16, pp. 579-612. Online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry) Link to the online implementation of SQEMA.
  3. Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Elementary Canonical Formulae: Extending Sahlqvist Theorem, Annals of Pure and Applied Logics, 2006, vol. 141, 1-2, pp. 180-217. Available from here or here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Willem Conradie, Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Algorithmic correspondence and completeness in modal logic. I. The core algorithm SQEMA, Logical Methods in Computer Science, vol. 2 (1:5) 2006, pp.1-26. Available from LMCS Archive. (DBLP BibTex Entry) Link to the online implementation of SQEMA.
  5. Valentin Goranko and Govert van Drimmelen: Complete Axiomatization and Decidability of the Alternating-time Temporal Logic, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 353, 1-3, (2006), pp. 93-117. Available from here or here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, Pietro Sala, and Guido Sciavicco: A General Tableau Method for Propositional Interval Temporal Logics: theory and implementation, Journal of Applied Logic, vol. 4(3), 2006, pp. 305-330. Available from here or here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Willem Conradie, Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Elementary Canonical Formulae: a survey on syntactic, algorithmic, and model-theoretic aspects, in: Advances in Modal Logic, vol. 5, Kings College London Publ., 2005, pp. 17-51. Also available from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko: Logical Topologies and Semantic Completeness, in: Logic Colloquium'99 (selected papers), J. van Eijck, V. van Oostrom, A. Visser (eds.), Lecture Notes in Logic 17, AK Peters, 2004, pp. 68-79. Final draft. (BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko and Wojtek Jamroga: Comparing Semantics for Logics of Multi-agent Systems, Synthese 139 (2): 241-280, March 2004, Series on Knowledge, Rationality and Action. Available from here and here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, and Guido Sciavicco: A Road Map of Propositional Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi, Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics, Special issue on Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi, vol. 14, No. 1-2, 2004, pp.11-56. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, and Guido Sciavicco: A General Tableau Method for Propositional Interval Temporal Logics, Proc. of the International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (Tableaux'2003), LNAI, Springer-Verlag, 102-116.Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari, and Guido Sciavicco: Propositional Interval Neighborhood Logics, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol 9, No. 9 (2003) (Special issue on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning), pp. 1137-1167. Available fromhere orhere. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko, Ullrich Hustadt, Renate Schmidt, and Dimiter Vakarelov: SCAN is complete for all Sahlqvist formulae, In: Berghammer, R., Möller, B. and Struth, G. (eds), Proc. of Relational and Kleene-Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RelMiCS 7). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3051, Springer, 2003, 149-162. Link to online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko and Bruce Kapron: The Modal Logic of the Countable Random Frame, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 42(3), 2003, pp. 221-243. Link to online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  5. Valentin Goranko: The Basic Algebra of Game Equivalences, Studia Logica (Special issue on Game Logic), 75 (2003), 221-238. Available from here. Also, available as a prepublication report PP-2000-12 of the Institute of Logic, Language, and Computation, University of Amsterdam. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Philippe Balbiani and Valentin Goranko: Modal Logics for Parallelism, Orthogonality, and Affine Geometries, J. of Applied Non-classical Logics, Special issue on Spatial Reasoning, vol. 12, No. 3-4, 2002, pp. 365-397. Final draft.(DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Sahlqvist Formulas Unleashed in Polyadic Modal Logic, Advances of Modal Logic, vol 3, World Scientific, 2002, pp. 221-240. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko: Coalition Games and Alternating Temporal Logics, Proc. of the 8th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK VIII), Siena, Italy, 8-10 July, 2001), J. van Benthem (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, 2001, pp. 259-272. Corrected final version. (BibTex Entry)
  2. Patrick Blackburn and Valentin Goranko: Hybrid Ockhamist Temporal Logic, Proc. of the Eighth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME-01), Cividale del Friuli, Italy, June 14-16, 2001), C. Bettini and A. Montanari (eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, 183-188. Link to online abstract. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Sahlqvist Formulas in Hybrid Polyadic Modal Logics, Journal of Logic and Computation, vol. 11 (5), 2001, pp. 737-754. Link to online version. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Modal Logic and Universal Algebra. I. Modal Axiomatizations of Structures, in: Advances in Modal Logic, vol. II, CSLI publications, Stanford, 2000, 265-292. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Valentin Goranko: Computation Tree Logics and Temporal Logics with Reference Pointers, Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics, vol. 10 (3-4), 2000, pp 221-242. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)


  1. Valentin Goranko: Trees and finite branching, Proc. of the 2nd Panhellenic Logic Symposium, Delphi, 13-17 July, 1999, pp.91-101. Final draft. (BibTex Entry)
  2. Mark Brown and Valentin Goranko: An Extended Ockhamist Branching Time Temporal logic, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 8 (1999), 143-166. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Hyperboolean Algebras and Hyperboolean Modal Logic, Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics, vol. 9, No. 2-3 (1999), pp. 345-368. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Valentin Goranko and Dimiter Vakarelov: Modal Logics of Structures, Bull. of the Sect. of Logic, Univ. of Lodz, 28(1),1999, 1-10. Published version (BibTex Entry)
  5. Valentin Goranko: Axiomatizations with Context Rules of Inference in Modal Logic, Studia Logica, 61 (1998), 179-197. Link to online version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Valentin Goranko: Filter and Ultrafilter Extensions of Structures: Universal-algebraic Aspects, 1997, Technical Report, revised version 2007.
  7. Valentin Goranko: Hierarchies of Modal and Temporal Logics with Reference Pointers, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 5(1), 1996, 1-24. Final draft. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  8. Valentin Goranko:A Note on Derivation Rules in Modal Logic, Bull. of the Sect. of Logic, Univ. of Lodz, 24(2),1995, 98-104. Published version. (BibTex Entry)
  9. Valentin Goranko: Temporal Logic with Reference Pointers, in: Proc. of the First Intern. conference on Temporal Logic, Bonn 1994, D. Gabbay, H.-J. Ohlbach (eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 827, Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp. 133-148.Final draft.(DBLP BibTex Entry)
  10. Valentin Goranko: Refutation Systems in Modal Logic, Studia Logica, 53(2),1994, 299-324. Published version. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  11. George Gargov and Valentin Goranko: Modal Logic with Names, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 22(6),1993, pp. 607-636. Link to online version. Also available from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  12. Valentin Goranko and Solomon Passy: Using the Universal Modality: Gains and Questions, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2(1),1992, 5-30. Link to online version. Copy available from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  13. Valentin Goranko: Proving Unprovability in Some Normal Modal Logics, Bull. of the Sect. of Logic, Polish Acad. of Sci., 20(1),1991, pp. 23-29. Published version. (BibTex Entry)
  14. Valentin Goranko: Completeness and Incompleteness in the Bimodal Base L(R,-R), in: Mathematical Logic, P. Petkov (ed.) Plenum Press, New York, 1990, pp. 311-327.Scan pdf.
  15. Valentin Goranko: Modal Definability in Enriched Languages, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 31(1), 1990, pp. 81-105. Available online through Project Euclid or from here. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  16. Valentin Goranko: Definability in a Modal Language with Necessity and Sufficiency, C. R. Acad. Bul. Sci., 41(4),1988, 9-11. (BibTex Entry)
  17. Valentin Goranko: Definability and Completeness in Polymodal Logics, Ph. D. Thesis, Sofia University, 1988 (in Bulgarian). (BibTex Entry)
  18. Valentin Goranko: Some Syntactic and Semantic Relations between Superintuitionistic and Multiple-valued Propositional Logics, Proc. of XVI Ann. Congress of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 1987, pp. 193-200. Published version. (BibTex Entry)
  19. Valentin Goranko: The Craig Interpolation Theorem for Propositional Logics with Strong Negation, Studia Logica, 44(3),1985, 291-317. Published version. (BibTex Entry)

Editorial work, other publications and texts

Editorial work

  1. Guest co-editor (with Natasha Alechina): Special issue of the Journal of Logic, Language and Information on Logics for Multi-agent Systems, vol 29, 2020. Editorial Foreword (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  2. Guest co-editor (with Mads Dam) of the Special Issue of the journal Logical Methods in Computer Science for the Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL) 2017 (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  3. Co-editor (with Mads Dam) of the Proceedings of the 26th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2017, August 20-24, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden. LIPIcs 82, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik 2017, ISBN 978-3-95977-045-3 (DBLP link) (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  4. Co-editor (with Solomon Passy) of "Сказки по логика. Юбилейно преиздание" ("Essays in Logic, Jubileum re-edition", in Bulgarian), изд. Исток-Запад, (East-West publlishers), 2017.
  5. Co-editor (with Nick Bezhanishvili): Lectures on Logic and Computation, Selected Lectures notes from ESSLLI'2010 and ESSLLI'2011, Springer, 2012. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  6. Co-editor (with Wojciech Jamroga): Special issue of Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics on Logics for Multi-agent Systems, 21(1), 2011.
  7. Co-editor (with L. Beklemishev and V. Shehtman) of the Advances in Modal Logic, vol. 8, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic, (AiML'2010). (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  8. Co-editor (with M. Archibald, V. Brattka, and B. Loewe) of the Proc. of the International Conference on Infinity in Logic and Computation ILC'2007, LNAI vol 5489, 2009. (DBLP BibTex Entry)
  9. Co-editor (with X. Sean Wang) of the Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'2007), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007.
  10. Guest co-editor (with Angelo Montanari) of the special issue on Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi of the Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics, vol. 14, No. 1-2, 2004. (BibTex Entry)
  11. Guest co-editor (with Dov Gabbay) of vol 1, Nr. 3/4 (Special issue on trees in Linguistics, Logic, and Computer Science) of Research on Language and Computation, Kluwer Acad. Publ. (BibTex Entry)
  12. Co-editor (with Solomon Passy) of the book "Сказки по логика" ("Essays in Logic"), Sofia Univ. Press, 1990 (in Bulgarian). Digital edition 2011.

Other publications and texts

  1. Valentin Goranko, book review on: Branching Space-Times: Theory and Applications, by Nuel Belnap, Thomas Müller, and Tomasz Placek, Oxford University Press, 2022. In: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, September 2022.
  2. Valentin Goranko, book review on: Reactive Kripke Semantics, by Dov Gabbay, Springer, 2013. In: Studia Logica, March 2017.
  3. Slides and reading materials for the advanced course on Logic and Computation in Finitely Presentable Infinite Structures, co-presented with Sasha Rubin at the 18th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'2006), Malaga, Spain, July 31-August 12, 2006.
  4. Slides and reading materials for the advanced course on Modal Logics for Multi Agent Systems, co-presented with Wojtek Jamroga at the 18th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'2006), Malaga, Spain, July 31-August 12, 2006.
  5. Valentin Goranko, Temporal logics of computations, lecture notes for a course presented at the 12th European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information in Birmingham, August 2000. (in PDF)
  6. Valentin Goranko, Book review on: M. Huth and M. Ryan, Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning About Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2004; in: Journal of Logic, Language and Information, vol. 16(1), 2007, pp. 117-120. (PDF) (BibTex Entry)
  7. Valentin Goranko, Book review on: Modal Logic, by P. Blackburn, M. de Rijke, Y.
    Venema, Cambridge Tracts in TCS, 2001; in: Studia Logica, 76(1), 2004, p. 142-148.(BibTex Entry)
  8. Valentin Goranko, Book review on: Reasoning About Knowledge, by R. Fagin, J. Halpern, Y. Moses, M. Vardi, MIT Press, 1995; in: Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 8(4),1999, 469-473. (BibTex Entry)
  9. Valentin Goranko, Book review on: Modal Logic, by A Chagrov, M. Zakharyaschev, Oxford Science Publishers; in Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 8(2), 1999, pp. 255-258. (BibTex Entry)
  10. Valentin Goranko, The Pigeon-hole Principle, Mathematical Olympiad Training Notes No.1, SAMS, UCT, 1994.
  11. Valentin Goranko, Topics in Number Theory, Mathematical Olympiad Training Notes No.2, SAMS, UCT, 1994.
  12. Valentin Goranko, Abstract mathematical analysis, Lecture notes, UniQwa, 1993.