Department of Philosophy






Stockholm University
Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm | Tel: +46 8 16 20 00 |



––“Incomplete Understanding of Concepts”, forthcoming in Oxford Handbooks Online

–“Natural Kinds and Natural Kind Terms: Myth and Reality” (with Sören Häggqvist), forthcoming in British Journal for the Philosophy of Sciencepre-publication pdf

––“Davidson and Wittgenstein – a Homeric Struggle?”, forthcoming in Wittgenstein and Davidson on Thought, Language, and Action (ed.), Cambridge University Press. pre-publication pdf

–“Is Understanding Epistemic in Nature?” (with Gurpreet Rattan), forthcoming in Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, online version August 2015, DOI: 10.1111/papq.12092. pre-publication pdf

–“Does Semantics Need Normativity? Comments on Allan Gibbard, Meaning and Normativity”. Forthcoming in Inquiry Book Symposium. pre-publication.pdf

–“Reasons for Belief and Normativity” (with Kathrin Glüer), forthcoming in Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity, ed. Daniel Star, Oxford: OUP, 2015. pre-publication pdf

–“Still No Guidance. Reply to Steglich-Petersen” (with Kathrin Glüer), Theoria 81: 272-279, 2015. pre-publication pdf

–“Experimental Semantics: The Case of Natural Kind Terms” (with Sören Häggqvist), in Experimental Philosophy of Language, ed. J. Haukioja, London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015. pre-publication pdf

–“The Insignificance of Transparency”, in Externalism, Self-Knowledge, and Skepticism, ed. S. Goldberg, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. pre-publication pdf

–“Concepts and Communication: Comments on Words and Images. An Essay on the Origin of Ideas”. Analysis Book Symposium 75: 110-121, 2015. pre-publication pdf

–“Meaning Normativism: Against the Simple Argument” (with Kathrin Glüer), Organon F 22: 63-73, 2015. pre-publication pdf

–“Extended Belief and Extended Knowledge”, Philosophical Issues 24: 460-481, 2014. pre-publication pdf

–"Against Belief Normativity" (with Kathrin Glüer), The Aim of Belief, ed. THW Chan, 121-146, 2013. pre-publication pdfppp

– "Aiming at Truth: On the Role of Belief" (with Kathrin Glüer), Theorema 32, 137-160, 2013. pre-publication pdfppp

– "Bachelors, energy, cats and water. Putnam on kinds and kind terms", Theoria 79, 242-261, 2013. pre-publication pdf p

– "Color Terms and Semantic Externalism",Croatian Journal of Philosophy 36 (eds. M. Matthen and N. Miscevic), 399-419, 2012. pdfppp

– "Are There Understanding-Assent Links?', The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, 5: 1-17, 2010.pre-publication pdf

– "The Truth Norm and Guidance: a Reply to Steglich-Petersen", with Kathrin Glüer, Mind 119: 757-761, 2010.

– ”Are Natural Kind Terms Special?”, forthcoming in The Semantics and Metaphysics of Natural Kinds, eds. H. Beebee and N. Leary, Routledge .pre-publication.pdf

– "Es braucht die Regel nicht: Wittgenstein on Rules and Meaning" (with Kathrin Glüer), in The Later Wittgenstein on Meaning,
ed. D. Whiting, Palgrave, 2009. pre-publication pdf

– ”The Normativity of Meaning and Content” (with Kathrin Glüer), Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy.

– "Against Content Normativity" (with Kathrin Glüer-Pagin), Mind, (2009) 118: 31-70.pre-publication.pdf

– "Self-Knowledge and Knowledge of Content".Canadian Journal of Philosophy, (2008) 38: 399-424. Selected for republication in special issue, celebrating some of the best articles from the journal's first forty years.pre-publication.pdf

– "Semantic Externalism and Psychological Externalism". Philosophy Compass, 3/1 (2008): 158-181. pre-publication pdf

– "Externalism and a posteriori semantics" (with Sören Häggqvist). Erkenntnis, (2007), 67: 373-386. pre-publication pdf

– "Content Externalism and Fregean Sense". What Determines Content? The Internalism/Externalism Dispute, ed. P. Marvan, Cambridge Scholars Press, (2006), 163-179. pre-publication pdf

– "Naming Natural Kinds". Synthese, (2005), 145: 65-87.pre-publication.pdf

– "Externalism and Incomplete Understanding". Philosophical Quarterly,(2004), 54: 287-294. pre-publication pdf

– "Direct Knowledge and Other Minds". Theoria, (2004), LXX: 271-293. pre-publication pdf

– "An A Posteriori Conception of Analyticity?". Grazer Philosophische Studien, (2003), 66: 119-139. pre-publication pdf

– "Semantic Normativity". Philosophical Studies, vol. 102, 2001 (203-226) Reprinted in Arguing about Language, eds. Byrne and Kolbel, Routledge 2009. pre-publication pdf

–"Social Externalism and Conceptual Errors", Philosophical Quarterly, 2008.12.10. pre-publication pdf

Reviews and critical notices

– Review of R.J. Bogdan, “Our Own Minds. Socio-Cultural Grounds for Self-Consciousness”, Philosophical Quarterly 63: 814-816, 2013. pre-publication pdf

–Review of Gillian Russell, "Truth in Virtue of Meaning", Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2008.12.10.pre-publication.pdf

– Review of Jessica Brown, "Anti-Individualism and Knowledge". International Journal of Philosophical Studies, (2005) 13: 525-541

– "On Self-Knowledge and Grasping the Content of One's Own Thoughts". Critical Notice, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 9, 2001c (229-260).

–Review of André Gallois, "The World Without, The Mind Within. An Essay on First-Person Authority". International Journal of Philosophical Studies, (2000), 8.

–Review of Gary Ebbs, "Rule-Following and Realism". International Journal of Philosophical Studies, (1998) 9: 285-288.